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Tuesday…Sorry, I was extremely busy with family this weekend and even babysitting my lil bubs yesterday since he’s been a little sick. I did not work out on Friday or Saturday. I rested and it was good for me. Good for my weight? Probably not lol. I did however get back in the gym on Sunday morning before I went to my spend time with my family. I went to the doctor this morning and of course the doctor’s scale was rude as hell. It read 325 lbs. That makes me sad. Not that I expected my weight to magically go down since I finally decided to get off my ass, but DANG! It wasn’t supposed to say more pounds than my home scale.

Image result for scale at doctors office meme

However, I just have to see it as something that puts everything into perspective for me. I have to do the work to get the results that I desire. Simple enough right? Right. So I plan to go to the gym again tonight and get some food to cook for lunch this week. I’m okay with meal prepping, but I get bored ever so easily. I think I’ll go to Sprouts because they have colorful fruits and veggies that I like. Colorful food makes me think I’m getting something exotic. #Fancy

I can do this. I will do this. I will not allow my current weight to define my future weight. I will not allow my mind to think negatively. This is a process and I will not quit.

Image result for nobody likes a quitter meme

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